Capula's OSISoft Pi to PTC Thingworx Connector
Changing the Thingworx server details
If the location or the server name changes for your PTC Thingworx server, you can modify the configuration file to ensure the Connector is using the correct details. For instructions about how to modify the configuration file refer to Making manual Configuration changes to the Connector .
To do this you will need to modify the OSIConnector.config file:
Open the file ‘OSIConnector.config’ in a text editor using administrator permissions.
The file is in JSON format. Locate the section ConnectionSettings and scroll to the bottom to locate the user configurable area just above the ServerCertFileSettings section and modify the required settings.
Save the changes to the configuration file
"rows": [
"Address": "localhost",
"Port": 9091,
"Resource": "/Thingworx/WS",
"IsSecure": true,
"ThingName": "OSIPIThing",
"AppKey": "7dxxaad2-bd6f-431f-83xx-xxxxa8783549",
"AllowSelfSignedCertificates": false,
"DisableCertValidation": false,
"ConnectTimeout": 10000,
"ConnectRetries": -1,
"ReconnectInterval": 60,
"MaxMessageSize": 64000,
"MessageTimeout": 10000,
"OfflineMsgQueueSize": 16384,
"OfflineMsgStoreDir": "/opt/thingworx",
"MaxMessages": 500,
"IdlePingRate": 45,
"MessageChunkSize": 8192,
"MessageFrameSize": 8192,
"AutoReconnect": true,
"ForceConnectOnReadProperty": false,
"ForceConnectOnWriteProperty": false,
"ForceConnectOnInvokeService": false,
"PongTimeout": 10000,
"StaleMsgCleanupRate": 50000,
"StreamBlockSize": 256,
"MaxConnectDelay": 10000,
"SocketReadTimeout": 10,
"ThrowOnOfflineMesssageSave": false,
"ClientName": "OSIPIGateway",
"MessageStoreConfiguration": "ALL",
"DisableEncryption": true
Updating the Thingworx server details
To modify the Thingworx server details, it is a case of modifying the following lines in the ConnectionSettings section:
Where these are:
Address: IP or DNS name of the ThingWorx server - i.e, or localhost
Port: Thingworx server port - i.e, 80 or 443
AppKey: Application key (KeyID) used for security when connecting to ThingWorx. This is the authentication token. Refer to the API Key section for instructions
DisableEncryption: By default SSL encryption on the PTC Thingworx server is assumed. If you are not using SSL, click Disable Encryption and make sure the port is using a corresponding unencrypted port. - i.e, Port 80 instead of port 443
After you have saved the changes, the Connector service will need to be restarted for the changes to take effect, refer to Starting/Restarting the Connector service manually .
Full list of settings that can be changed
Name | Description | Default Value |
Address | Address IP or DNS name of the ThingWorx server. Supports String values.
Port | ThingWorx server port. Supports Integer values.
| 443 |
IsSecure | Only secure HTTPS connections are supported. This setting must be set to true. Supports Boolean values (0 or 1).
| true (1)
ThingName | The name of the Thing in ThingWorx that will be used. Supports String values.
| OSIPIThing |
AppKey | Application key (KeyID) used for security when connecting to ThingWorx. This is the authentication token. Supports String values.
| xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
AllowSelfSigned- Certificates
| Set to true to accept self-signed certificates. Supports Boolean values.
| false (0)
| Supports Boolean values. If true, the TLS library will not validate the server certificate.
| false (0)
ConnectTimeout | Time to wait for the WebSocket connection to be established. Measured in milliseconds.
| 10000
ConnectRetries | Number of retries used to 3 establish a web socket connection. An error is reported after the retries are exhausted.
| 3 |
ReconnectInterval | Connection retry interval. Supports integer values. Measured in seconds.
| 60
MaxMessageSize | The maximum size of a complete message whether it is broken up as a multipart message or not. Messages larger than this will be rejected. Measured in bytes.
| 64000
MessageTimeout | Time to wait for a response to a message from the server. Measured in milliseconds. Supports integer values.
| 10000
OfflineMsgQueue | Size Offline message queue max size (number of bytes). Supports integer values.
| 16384
OfflineMsgStoreDir | Offline message storage file. Supports string values.
| /opt/ThingWorx |
MaxMessages | Maximum number of unhandled messages in the message queue. Supports integer values. | 500
DisableEncryption | If you are using SSL, set to false, otherwise set to true. | false
isWritePermissionsDisabled | To disable permission to write data to AF server set to true. | false |
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